What event did you participate in or host as part of Team DPF?
I created my own Team DPF event. My husband, Charlie, and I decided to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary by touring Europe. We launched our fundraiser as a Team DPF Community Fundraiser and invited people to donate for each mile we rode. Donations came in from friends and family in the US and the Parkinson's community in the UK, where we stopped first on our adventure.
Why did you decide to fundraise for team dpf?
I've been fundraising for the Davis Phinney Foundation for several years. Cycling, walking, and other "measurable" exercise-based activities with Team DPF have been wonderful ways to support a great cause and keep me healthy and fit. I wanted to try something different this year, so we created our own "event."
Share a favorite moment of victory from your TEAM DPF fundraiser.
The trip was full of physical activity as we relied on public transportation (and one cruise) on our 67-day visit to 12 countries. There were plenty of stairs to climb and long walks, and I even managed to jog a little on some beaches. A memorable evening practicing with the PingPongParkinsons team in Hamburg, Germany, has me thinking about how this activity could turn into a fundraising event.
What are the top three actions that helped you reach your fundraising goal?
- Reaching out to friends and family.
- Spreading awareness about the Davis Phinney Foundation and Parkinson's as we fundraised.
- Handing out swag to donors. (Email [email protected] for help with this.)
What advice or encouragement would you give to someone interested in fundraising for the Davis Phinney Foundation?
Fundraising with the Foundation doesn't have to involve a superhuman feat like participating in Ride The Rockies or running an ultramarathon. Although exercise is one of the most common ways people raise money for Team DPF, with a bit of creativity, you can raise funds closer to home by doing something that's the right fit for you.
Each month, we spotlight people from our Parkinson’s community who embody living well today – what we call Moments of Victory®. Your story, like Carol's, could be featured on our blog and Facebook page so others can learn from your experiences and victories.