Parkinson’s Research

Parkinson’s research, which can include clinical trials, surveys, and studies investigating Parkinson’s treatments, can be as simple as completing an online form or as involved as a years’-long drug trial. Some trials are observational, where researchers simply monitor participants in their natural state over time. Others are interventional, where participants take a new medication or modify their behavior, such as incorporating a new exercise routine or eating plan so researchers can see how the changes impact their Parkinson’s symptoms.

In this resources collection, we explore the different types and phases of research, the latest in Parkinson’s research, why people choose to get involved, and more. 

woman scientist looking through microscope

What You Need to Know About Parkinson’s Research

Many Parkinson’s research trials focus on people with early-stage Parkinson’s who are not yet taking medication; this combination of factors allows scientists to study the effect of medication on early Parkinson’s without the influence of other medications. However, plenty of studies rely on volunteers who have been living with Parkinson’s and taking medications for several years, and some studies recruit people who do not have Parkinson’s at all; so, your care partner or others interested might be able to participate in a trial. Here, we’ll take a look at the different types of clinical trials, your rights as a research participant, how to get involved, and more. 

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6 Myths About Parkinson’s Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are essential not just for finding a cure for Parkinson’s but for learning how to live well today. However, there are still a lot of misconceptions about clinical trials. In this article, we clear them up and share a few reasons why you might want to get involved. 

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Why I Participate in Parkinson’s Research

Davis Phinney Foundation Ambassador Jerry Boster learned that 85 percent of trials face delays and 30 percent never get started because of the chronic shortage of volunteers. This made him wonder how many possible cures were left on the chalkboard. He didn’t want to be the one to leave a potential cure behind. Read his story about how he became a frequent participant in Parkinson’s research and now motivates others to do the same. 

What’s New in Parkinson’s

Each month, we share a blog post filled with the latest in Parkinson’s research, treatments, clinical trials, stories, and more. It’s a one-stop spot for all things Parkinson’s! 

Davis Phinney Foundation’s Quality of Life Research

While we’re all eager for a cure, we fund studies that focus on improving quality of life for people with Parkinson’s today. Investing in quality of life research means that people living with Parkinson’s can benefit from the research we fund not just years later, but now.  

Connect with an Ambassador

Our Ambassadors connect with individuals and families looking for support and community to help them live well with Parkinson’s. Ambassadors are available to speak with you through email, phone, video conference, and in-person.


Joe O’Conner

Living with Parkinson’s

Bart Narter

bart narter

Living with Parkinson’s

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