[Podcast] Off Time in Parkinson’s with Dr. Yasae Torres-Yaghi

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OFF Time in Parkinson’s with Dr. Yasar Torres-Yaghi episode summary

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When you take Parkinson’s medications regularly and your symptoms re-appear or worsen, you are experiencing an OFF time. That seems to be a simple enough definition of OFF; however, it’s anything but simple. And when you feel OFF, it’s anything but pleasant. Nearly 35% of people with Parkinson’s experience OFF times (and this percentage increases with age), and they can negatively impact quality of life in a myriad of ways. But there are ways to reduce OFF times. In this episode, Dr. Yasar Torres-Yaghi answers questions about OFF time in Parkinson’s, including symptoms, medications, deep brain stimulation, and more.

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This content includes information about Parkinson’s and insights from our Parkinson’s community. It is not intended as a substitute for treatment advice from your own medical providers.


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