Living Well with Parkinson’s and Re-defining Identity episode summarY
In this episode, Jan and her husband, Bill Grimes, share how they process Jan's changing identity as a person with Parkinson's and Bill's as a care partner. Jan was diagnosed with Parkinson's 17 years ago. She was a professor of music at LSU for 30 years and developed their Master’s Degree Program in Collaborative Piano. Jan is known for being fabulous and for sharing her amazing hacks for living with Parkinson's. You can find many of them here. Bill is Jan's husband and loving care partner. As you'll see, they make a pretty great team. Topics include:
- How their life has changed since Jan got diagnosed with Parkinson’s
- How Jan redefined her identity as a pianist and full-time LSU faculty when symptom severity started to increase, and she chose to retire
- How Jan sees Parkinson’s as a blessing
- Her newly defined hobbies and passions, including sewing and poetry
- How Jan and Bill work together as a partnership to navigate Parkinson’s
listen now
For the video recording of this episode, click here.
- Learn more about the Davis Phinney Foundation Ambassadors here.
- The Mixed Nuts - Jan and Bill’s son’s cover band
- Johns Hopkins Center for Music and Medicine
- “Music and Rhythm for Parkinson’s” - An Interview with Dr. Alexander Pantelyat
- “Music Therapy Q & A” - An Interview with Dr. Alexander Pantelyat
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