Demoralization, meaning, and parkinson's episode summary
In this episode of The Parkinson's Podcast, Greg Pontone, MD, Indu Subramanian, MD, and Bradley McDaniels, PhD, discuss how symptoms of demoralization begin and how to combat them.
In this episode, we talk about:
- How Dr. Subramanian, Dr. McDaniels, and Dr. Pontone are working on
- What clinicians can do to make your symptoms of demoralization better
- How Dr. Subramanian combines Eastern and Western medicine
- The impact of demoralization on people with Parkinson's
- The importance of normalizing diagnosing depression
- The difference between demoralization in people with early-onset versus late-onset Parkinson's
- Changes in patient care since this panel started researching demoralization
- Dr. McDaniels' mother's journey with demoralization and Parkinson's
- The signs of depression and how to know when to see a doctor
and more. We hope you enjoy!
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