NEW! Every Victory Counts® Manual Discussion Guides for your Parkinson’s Support Group

Group of adults smiling during group discussion

Last fall, we released the sixth edition of our Every Victory Counts® manual for Parkinson’s. The newest edition of this go-to resource is easier to follow, more streamlined, and updated with new information and contributions from Parkinson’s physicians, allied health professionals, and people living with Parkinson’s. 

For more than ten years, this free resource has been picked up, shared, dog-eared, photocopied, etc. by more than 40,000 people affected by Parkinson’s. And thousands of people have discovered this life-changing resource thanks to community leaders and community connectors like you.  

We have also heard from people all over the country who lead Parkinson’s support groups, care partner meetups, and other community groups that they use the Every Victory Counts manual to help shape meetings and discussions, sharing important information about symptoms, treatments, emotional and mental health, relationships, and more. That’s why, with this new edition, we launched discussion guides designed to complement the content in the manual. 

These guides are available for free download here on the Davis Phinney Foundation website. You can use them with or without the manual to lead productive and informative conversations with your group, large or small, in person or virtually. 


Does everyone in my group need to have read the Every Victory Counts manual to participate in these discussions? No. While these guides were designed to complement information in the manual, they are also useful on their own and can be used in groups with or without the manual to facilitate discussions around topics relevant to living well with Parkinson’s.  

Can I order Every Victory Counts manuals for everyone in my group? Currently, our preference is to have people in your group place orders for their own manuals. This helps us to better track how our manual is distributed and connects readers with other Foundation resources relevant to them. People can place an order online or by phone, download a digital version of the manual, or even listen to an audio version via the Davis Phinney Foundation’s podcast. We are also happy to ship you a copy of the manual along with postcards and other resources you can distribute to your group completely free of charge. If you are interested in receiving a copy of the manual along with postcards and other materials, contact us at [email protected].

Is there a certain order or specific way I need to use these guides? No! You tackle these guides in order or pick out the guide(s) that feel most relevant to your group. You can plan to use them once a week or once a month. They are flexible and made to adapt to your group’s needs. 

Get the Discussion Guides

If you’re interested in using these discussion guides to facilitate meaningful learning and conversation in your group, complete this form to download them today. Have you used the discussion guides with your group? Tell us what you thought at [email protected]. 

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Interested in learning more about our Healthy Parkinson's Communities™ (HPC) initiative? Visit our HPC website at to learn more about how to get involved in making your community a great place for people living with Parkinson's.

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