newly diagnosed with Parkinson’s
This collection of resources expands upon the information included in Section 1 (Chapters 1-6) of the new Every Victory Counts manual. It answers even more of the questions people ask us within the first year of their diagnosis.
These resources, organized by chapters that mirror the print manual, provide in-depth and updated information about the science of Parkinson’s, motor and non-motor symptoms, self-efficacy, the transition from diagnosis to acceptance, and strategies to help you live well today.
Parkinson’s 101
Dr. Cherian Karunapuzha is a movement disorder specialist at the Meinders Center for Movement in Oklahoma City, and in this video, he shares his advice about what to expect after you’ve been diagnosed with Parkinson’s, what to do, and how to live well. One of our community members told us this is the best description of Parkinson’s she’s ever heard. We hope you’ll find it useful on your path as well.
You’ve Been Diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Now What?
In this article, Tom Sheppard and Lauren Simmons share 20 of the most helpful actions they’ve taken on their journeys of living well with Parkinson’s.
How to Communicate what Parkinson’s Is to Friends and Family
Describing Parkinson’s to people who don’t have it is complicated for several reasons. So, when a friend, colleague, extended family member, or even a healthcare professional who knows only the basics of Parkinson’s asks you to explain it, what do you say? If you don’t wish (or have the time or energy) to paint an in-depth portrait of your unique Parkinson’s, but you do wish educate others, simply stick to the basics. To help, here’s a list of short, to-the-point Parkinson’s “talking points” you can pull out when you need them.
Explore More Living With Parkinson's Resources
- Parkinson’s 101: A Video for the Newly Diagnosed
- A Parkinson’s Diagnosis
- The Neuroscience of Parkinson’s
- Parkinson’s Vs. Parkinsonism
- I Have Parkinson’s and Am Experiencing X. Who Should I See?
- The Pathophysiology of Parkinson’s
- The Difference Between Lewy Body Dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s
- A Primer on Rigidity and Parkinson’s
- A Primer on Balance and Parkinson’s
- Tremor and Parkinson’s: A Primer
- Bradykinesia and Parkinson’s: A Primer
- The Difference Between Dyskinesia and Tremor
- The Difference Between OFF and Parkinson’s Dyskinesia
- What Is Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s?
- The Benefits of Visual and Auditory Cueing for Overcoming Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s
- How Can Exercise Improve Balance in People with Parkinson’s?
- 5 Simple Exercises to Train Your Balance and Live Well with Parkinson’s
- Dystonia and Parkinson’s
- Maximize Your Mobility with Fall Prevention
- How Facial Masking Influences Perception and Relationships
- Depression, Anxiety, and Apathy and How to Manage Them
- The Victory Summit® Virtual Event: Mental Health and Wellness [Recordings]
- Can You Identify Your Depression Triggers?
- A Grounding Exercise for Anxiety in Parkinson’s
- Fight Back Against Depression and Anxiety in Parkinson’s
- Parkinson’s and Mental Health: Integration Is Key
- Emotional and Psychological Care in Parkinson’s
- Managing Mood and Anxiety in Parkinson’s
- YOPD Council: Mental Health and Parkinson’s
- How Exercise Can Ease Anxiety in Parkinson’s
- Cognition and How It Interacts with Other Non-Motor Symptoms
- The Connection Between Motor Function and Cognitive Function among People with Parkinson’s
- Psychiatric and Cognitive Complications in Parkinson’s
- From Clear to Partly Cloudy: Parkinson’s and Cognition
- Parkinson’s Disease Psychosis
- Q&A: Parkinson’s Disease Psychosis
- Substance Abuse, Recovery, and Parkinson’s
- Dementia and Later-Onset Parkinson’s
- When Your Person with Parkinson’s Has Hallucinations
- The Science of Parkinson’s Constipation
- Tips for Alleviating Bowel and Urinary Dysfunction in Parkinson’s
- Why Is It So Hard to Sleep Now that I Have Parkinson’s?
- Sleepiness and Fatigue in Parkinson’s and What to Do about Them
- Sleep, Parkinson’s, and Living Well Today
- Ask the Parkinson’s Expert: Sleep Strategies with Davis Phinney
- Living Well with REM Sleep Behavior Disorder
- Fatigue in Parkinson’s and How to Treat It
- Living Well with Chronic Pain and Illness
- What Is Aspiration?
- How my Daughter Helped Me Identify my nOH Symptoms
- Exercising Safely with Parkinson’s nOH
Every Victory Counts
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