Advocating for yourself is an essential part of getting the care you need to live well with Parkinson’s. Although your medical team members are trained experts in their fields, due to time constraints and the volume of patients they see, they may get only a snapshot of your specific situation. Therefore, they rely heavily on information that is the “most commonly” applicable.
In addition, research has shown that females may be subject to implicit bias and receive a lower quality of care in medical settings than their male counterparts. This is why it is essential for you to share your individualized symptoms, advocate for your medical needs, and partner with your medical team to receive the right care for you.
In the video clip below, Kathleen Reardon, a person with Parkinson’s, esteemed author, speaker, and equality advocate elaborates on the importance of advocacy as a woman and a person with Parkinson’s.
additional resources
Allan Cole On Advocacy, Education, and Living Well With Parkinson’s
Parkinson’s Worksheets, Checklists, and Assessments
Health Disparities and Parkinson’s