In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we at the Davis Phinney Foundation wanted to take this opportunity to honor the values of dreaming big, courage, truth, compassion, dignity and service that were the hallmarks of his life.
We asked some of our most influential friends of the Foundation to share their ideas on what it means to dream big. We were so inspired by their stories and the values they embody that we decided to post one story each day as part of our new Dream Big series.
Karl Robb has had Parkinson’s disease for over thirty years. He’s a Parkinson’s advocate, entrepreneur, inventor, writer, speaker on Parkinson's issues and photographer. Read his story here.
Jon Lessin is a cardiac anesthesiologist and avid cyclist who dreams even bigger now that he has Parkinson's. Read his story here.
Jillian Carson shares how getting involved is what helped her beat the depression that came right after her diagnosis and the BIG dream that's coming true for her after four years of hard work. Read her story here.
Kevin Schmid turned to cycling after he was diagnosed and he proved to himself and others that life doesn't stop with Parkinson's. He also writes about some of the most important actions he's taken to stay positive and to keep moving forward. Read his story here.
Kimerly Coshow believes that following your dreams connects you to your inner self, as you seek your own purpose in life. And that every step, no matter how small, counts. Read her story here.
Learn More About Pursuing Your Own Big Dreams
Each of these stories are examples of people with Parkinson's taking control of their lives and finding the strength to keep pursuing their big dreams no matter what. If you're ready to move toward your own big dreams, our Every Victory Counts® manual gives people living with Parkinson’s, their care partners and their family members the tools they need to take control of their own Parkinson’s treatment so they can live well every day and accomplish goals they never imagined possible.