In this episode
Listen to the first chapter, "You Have Parkinson's, Now What?" from the newest edition of our Every Victory Counts® manual.
Hearing the words, “You have Parkinson’s,” is life changing. For some, a Parkinson’s diagnosis marks the end of a long and frustrating search to explain a collection of seemingly disconnected symptoms. For others, a Parkinson’s diagnosis is a complete shock, filled with feelings of disbelief and despair. For everyone, a Parkinson’s diagnosis brings a new and unexpected journey.
The good news is that there are numerous ways you can take action to make the journey a great one. Just a decade ago, researchers, clinicians, and people living with Parkinson’s alike did not stress the importance of exercise, stress management, nutritional choices, and other positive life choices on Parkinson’s. Today, we know your experience will be impacted positively by your choices and actions. This chapter shows you how to lay the foundation to live well with Parkinson's today and for years to come.
additional resources
- Want to read along as you listen? Request your free copy of the Every Victory Counts manual (digitally or in print) here. You can also check out the Every Victory Counts companion site, where you'll find more resources on each topic featured in the book. Check out the website here.
- Let us know what you think! Email [email protected] with the name of the chapter you listened to, as well as your top takeaway, to be entered into a drawing to win Davis Phinney Foundation swag and the opportunity to be featured on our blog.
- Worksheets featured in this chapter:
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