The next enrollment period for the PD Self program is now open, and if you have been diagnosed with Parkinson's within the past three years, this may be a great fit for you.
It's free, it's virtual, it's highly interactive, and over 2000 people have already gone through it and experienced excellent results.
What a few PD SELF graduates have said about the program:
"This is the best medicine for Parkinson's anyone can have."
"I have not been this at peace with myself in a long time."
"I could never have believed a year ago that I am where I am today."
During this program, you will learn information, skills, behaviors, and a philosophical construct to help you achieve the goal of living well with Parkinson’s today.
You can read all about the program here and register here. If you'd like to learn more about PD Self and why it might be the right fit for you, watch this interview we did recently with PD Self creator and person with Parkinson's Diane Cook.
A Parkinson's diagnosis isn't the end. You can live well with Parkinson's today and for many years to come. Learn how by registering for PD Self and start out 2023 on the right foot.