Moments of Victory® – NaKina Paints with Parkinson’s

Nakina Talbert Moments of Victory

Briefly describe your journey since diagnosis:

Within six months of my diagnosis it was obvious the Parkinson's was progressing rapidly. My neurologist is observing me for a PSP Parkinson's diagnosis. I went from being very active, running a nonprofit for homeless children, working full-time, being mother, wife and grandmother to not being able to go a full day without laying down several times.

How do you live well each day?

The biggest adjustment has been the slowing down and not being able to do the things I used to do. Parkinson's has taken many things from me but there's one thing it will never take: My art. I started painting at the age of 40 and it is my passion. Lately the Parkinson's is affecting my ability to hold a paintbrush, but that won't stop me. I paint with my hands and anything else I can find that works. This journey with Parkinson's is all about your attitude and keeping joy in your life. My art is my joy.




What do you wish you would have known when you were diagnosed that you know now about living with Parkinson’s?

I wish I had known how bad the depression could get. I think that is a part of Parkinson's we are ill prepared for.

NaKina Talbert's Philosophy

What do you wish everyone living with Parkinson’s knew about living well?

Whether you were living with Parkinson's or not, your attitude in life determines your health and happiness. Find a way to keep joy in your life and to live well. It is our strongest medicine!

Share Your Victory

Each month, we spotlight someone from our Parkinson’s community who embodies living well today – what we call Moments of Victory®.

Your story, like NaKina's, could be featured on our blog and Facebook page so others can learn from your experiences and victories.

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