Our mission is to help as many people as possible live well with Parkinson’s. We currently do this via our educational programs, research dollars, Healthy Parkinson’s Communities™ initiative, Ambassador Leadership Program, and more.
However, even though we can cover a lot of educational and advocacy ground as a Foundation, we know that to truly achieve our goals for the global Parkinson’s community, we need more specialists in the field and more specialists intent on growing the pool of medical professionals who can provide best-in-class care to people living with Parkinson’s.
That’s why we couldn’t be more excited to announce that we have teamed up with Shirley Ryan Ability Lab to offer a one-year fellowship in Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and Movement Disorders (PDMD) Neurorehabilitation. The first PDMD Fellow is Ala Elyaman, DO, and she will begin her fellowship on July 1, 2021.
Her fellowship will include advanced study in the principles of neurorehabilitation as applied to Parkinson’s and movement disorders. The field of movement disorders includes Parkinson’s, atypical Parkinsonian syndromes, tremors, dystonia, gait disorders, Huntington’s disease, functional movement disorders, spasticity, and other movement-related conditions.
Led by Shirley Ryan AbilityLab PDMD Section Chief Jennifer Goldman, MD, MS, the fellowship will provide an educational training experience incorporating didactics, clinical care management, scientific research, and mentorship opportunities. The clinical experience will encompass the continuum of rehabilitative care for individuals with Parkinson’s and movement disorders and include management across the disease spectrum, from early interventions to advanced care. Other program faculty include Shirley Ryan AbilityLab physiatrists, clinicians, researchers, allied health professionals, and Northwestern PDMD faculty.
Fellowship rotations will take place in Shirley Ryan AbilityLab inpatient units, outpatient clinics, and DayRehab Centers®, as well as in Northwestern Medicine Neurology/Movement Disorders clinics. The fellowship is designed to provide a comprehensive educational experience that will prepare Dr. Elyaman with the evaluation and management skills requisite for providing optimal care to people living with Parkinson’s and movement disorders.
This is a big and exciting initiative and one that we hope will have the ripple effect the Parkinson’s community deserves.