The SteadyScrib Story: A Pen for Parkinson’s episode summary
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In this episode, discover the story behind Izzy Mokotoff and Alexis Chan’s innovative pen for people living with Parkinson’s: SteadyScrib. Learn about their journey and motivations–inspired by Izzy’s grandfather–and the impending launch of SteadyScrib, set to publicly debut later this year.
Want to learn more about SteadyScrib? Find out more about their mission on their website.
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Learn more about steadyscrib
According to their website, “At SteadyScrib, our goal is to advance ability and independence for people with Parkinson’s by building a writing utensil that counteracts against writing-inhibitive Parkinson’s symptoms. … SteadyScrib is the first and only writing tool specifically designed for people with Parkinson’s.”