If you’ve ever been inspired to tell your story about living with Parkinson’s, now's the time.
Robert Cochrane, an award-winning filmmaker whose father, Dan, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s 16 years ago, would love to talk to you.
Dan and Robert road-tripped to all 30 Major League Baseball parks in 2004. Robert documented that journey in the award-winning documentary, Boys of Summer, which you can see here for free. The sequel, Second Base, is currently screening in select markets across the United States.
“These films are a case study, first, of a very brave man's fight against Parkinson's Disease,“ Robert said. “Secondly, they’re a testament to the power of family, faith and love against the backdrop of what was once known as America's pastime. Finally, they’re time capsules, in which we'll stuff new memories and adventures in documentary form every few years to mark our progress.”
The unexpected gift of these films are the thousands of people living with and affected by Parkinson’s they have met along the way. They have inspired, taught and encouraged Dan and Robert to keep going, no matter what.
While the films are great, Robert knew there were far more stories related to Parkinson’s that didn’t fit in the films. He’s now documenting these conversations in a series called Faces of Parkinson’s. He’d love for you to be one of those faces.
“Isolation, for those with Parkinson’s as well as those who care for them, is a serious problem,” Robert said. “By sharing our stories we become closer, together.”
Watch the video to determine if this is something you'd like to be a part of and find out how to contact Robert.
We hope you’ll be as inspired by these stories as we've been, and that you’ll reach out to Robert if it’s a fit for you.
I’ve had Parkinson’s symptoms five plus years and was diagnosed Oct 2016.
I’ve been a runner, hiker, biker for 35 yrs. Yes, I’m still in the gAmerica.
Oct 2017 I did a 24K trail race with over 1900′ elev gain. Mar 17 an 8k trail race and finished 66th out of 88 in 55:22.
Sat Mar 31 a 13.5 mile hike/run with over 2000′ elev gain.
I believe we’re to quick to dwell on what we’ve lost rather than what we’ve still got.
Oh, I’ll be 75 in Nov.
Wow! So many great accomplishments! You’re such a great example of why exercise is so essential to living well with Parkinson’s. Keep on running, Don!
My mother was diagnosed with Parkinson’s 9 years ago. I was diagnosed 5 years ago. Had it not been for her I probably would not have realized what was wrong with me for a while. I was her medical advocate and part-time caregiver. She developed dementia. While caring for her I began envisioning myself in a few years. She passed away in November, 2017. It has been and continues to be a painful journey after watching her decline. I am fighting with everything I have to delay my progress. I try to exercise everyday. I am traveling as much as I can before I have to pick out my wheelchair. Some days are very good and others not so. I will continue the challenge to be all that I can.
We commend your fighting spirit, Brenda! It’s important to seize the days that are good and learn to bounce-back from days that are more difficult.