Find an Ambassador

We have more than 130 Ambassadors located in 38 states and nine countries. Ambassadors are available to connect with individuals, families, and groups to help answer questions about living well with Parkinson's and connect you with resources and relationships to provide support.

Use the search and filters below to help you find the Ambassador you most want to speak to.

You can search Ambassadors in a variety of ways. If you know the Ambassador's name, or want to search by city or state, you can simply type that into the search box below and click "Search".

You can also use the filters to find Ambassadors based on their relationship to Parkinson's, the region they live in, what topic(s) they are experts in, and/or what language they speak. Select as many or as few filters as you like and hit "Search" to see your results.

Can’t find someone in your area? Need a recommendation for who to talk to? Contact us at and we can help you find someone to connect with.

Can’t find someone in your area? Need a recommendation for who to talk to? Contact us and we can help connect you with one of our ambassadors.