Stuart Munro
Lake Quivira, Kansas
I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in January 2019. As a physician married to a nurse practitioner, we were both aware of my symptoms for several years before I was diagnosed. Like many others, denial prevented me from seeking help. Eventually, my wife convinced me to seek out a medical opinion by appealing to my love for my five-year-old granddaughter.
A great source of strength and support for me since my diagnosis has been my workout group at a local gym, led by trainers who understand Parkinson’s and design workouts accordingly. My fellow group members are always supportive and understanding of one another. And the exercise itself brings long- and short-term satisfaction: knowing its positive impact while making us feel good today.
Living well with Parkinson’s means enjoying life’s pleasures, including the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning, spending time with my grandchildren, and planning my next great road trip. After a long and happy career as a psychiatrist who has been heavily involved with the education of the next generation of physicians, I am excited to help others who find themselves in a similar situation find the resources they need to live well.