Sharon Kishner

Portland, Oregon

I was diagnosed two and a half years ago although my symptoms began years before that. My most prevalent symptoms are not tremor-like symptoms. I have cognitive issues that forced me into an early retirement; that was difficult for my self-esteem at first. Then I discovered I have so much other “work” to do, like getting involved with the Parkinson’s community.

Living well for me means not letting Parkinson’s define me. I have built a support system through community and continue to be involved with activities I enjoyed before my diagnosis. It’s important to advocate for myself and to help others understand how they can advocate for themselves.

I want to get more involved with the Parkinson’s community and make more people aware of what the Foundation offers. Being an Ambassador gives me the opportunity to meet a lot of people with Parkinson’s.

I enjoy spending time with my daughters, my cat and dog, going for drives, traveling and eating.

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