Mayra Torres View in Spanish
Phoenix, Arizona
My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2019. When he was diagnosed, we weren’t given any information about Parkinson’s or where to go for support. My brothers and I searched for information and finally found some programs for him at the Mohammed Ali Parkinson Center. As a care partner for my dad, I have tried to learn everything I can and even became a PWR! Moves exercise instructor. Now, my dad attends my class! Since my dad has been part of these programs, he has created significant social connections and seems more joyful and confident about finding ways to live well.
I’m excited to be a Davis Phinney Foundation Ambassador and share my knowledge with others who may find themselves in the same situation my family was in three years ago. I also look forward to bringing the information and resources of the Davis Phinney Foundation to those in my community affected by Parkinson’s.