Katrina Rochon

Richlands, Virginia

I was diagnosed with young-onset Parkinson’s in 2011 at age 42 and had deep brain stimulation surgery in September 2021. I worked as a nurse for 20 years, my husband worked for the military, and we recently retired and moved from Colorado Springs to Richlands, Virginia, in the Appalachian Mountains, where I have always wanted to live!

I wanted to become an Ambassador for the Foundation because I know how important it is to get specialized medical care. And unfortunately, my community doesn’t have many Parkinson’s resources. I hope to change that and to help individuals, communities, the healthcare system, and whoever else I can understand what it means to live with Parkinson’s. Additionally, I want to bring resources, exercise classes, understanding, and compassion to this community I have loved since I was a child.

When I’m not doing work for the Parkinson’s community, you’ll find me reading, learning, spending quality time with my family, rocking on my porch swing, taking a walk, or dancing for PD!

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