Frank Mundo

Isleboro, Maine

After being diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2014 and struggling with depression for several years, I decided to become as knowledgeable as I could about my diagnosis and joined a local Parkinson’s support group in Maine. I put my efforts into creating an online database for people to access information about Parkinson’s in one place. Monitoring 18 primary sources several times throughout the week, there are now nearly 4,000 items on my database for anyone looking for Parkinson’s information.

In my journey to become as knowledgeable as possible about Parkinson’s, I have helped establish four Rock Steady Boxing affiliates and have participated in two clinical trials since moving to Arizona. Currently, I am working to start a local support group in Sun Lakes and am excited about the initial interest I received during our first meeting. Living well to me means not retreating from the challenges and opportunities that present themselves to everyone — those who have Parkinson’s and those who do not.

Today, I am excited to help newly diagnosed people navigate the despair and fear I encountered when I was first diagnosed. I remember the people who talked to me and helped me come to terms with my diagnosis, and I want to pay that forward to others.

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