My person is in advanced stages
Care partners are critical members of a person’s Parkinson’s support team. Whether a spouse, partner, family member, friend, or neighbor, care partners are essential to living well. Unfortunately, however, most Parkinson’s care partners step into this role unexpectedly and with little (or usually no) training. According to the National Alliance for Caregiving, 86% of care partners are untrained. They simply learn as they go. Our goal is to make that learning a little easier and a lot more useful.
We know it’s easy to get lost online. To receive a Parkinson’s diagnosis and then go from site to site, post to post, and organization to organization and come away feeling more overwhelmed and confused than when you started. We aim to reduce the overwhelm and help you find what you need fast. Below, you will find essential resources to help you on your journey as a Parkinson’s care partner, whether you just found out about your new role today or you’ve been a care partner for 20 years. And, if you can’t find what you need, please reach out to us here. We may know how to find what you’re looking for, or your inquiry may prompt us to create something new!
If your person with Parkinson’s is in advanced stages and/or is experiencing more complicated symptoms, start with the following Resources.
If you would like to choose your own adventure and sift through all our care partner content, access a full list of our Parkinson's care partner resources including our monthly meetup, training program, downloadable manual, podcasts, and more.
Blog Posts
Parkinson’s Disease Psychosis (PDD)
Dementia and Parkinson’s: Definition, Causes, and Management
Cognitive Complications in Parkinson’s
Recommended next steps

Care Partner Monthly Meetup
Join us the first Tuesday of every month for a one-hour session just for care partners. Connie Carpenter Phinney, along with other care partner special guests, will discuss the concerns, challenges, and questions that many Parkinson’s care partners have today.
Access a full list of our Parkinson's care partner resources including our monthly meetup, training program, downloadable manual, podcasts, and more.