Steve was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2007 at the age of 50. At the time of diagnosis, Steve did not know anyone with Parkinson’s, so he and his wife, Nancy, took it upon themselves to learn as much as they could about Parkinson’s symptoms and treatment. Their search soon led them to the Davis Phinney Foundation, where they learned about the importance of exercise and a healthy lifestyle, something Steve credits as significantly impacting the quality of life he continues to enjoy. Steve sold his business and retired in June of 2015, so he could spend more time focusing on his personal wellness, family, and volunteer work. Steve and Nancy recently moved to Saratoga Springs, New York, to be closer to their two daughters, two sons-in-law and especially their two granddaughters, Rylan and Haddie.
Steve enjoys sharing the message that there are things people can do to manage Parkinson’s. “When I was diagnosed, the focus of treatment was on medicine. The doctors never mentioned the benefits of dealing with the disease on a more holistic level – exercise, good nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle,” Steve says. “I am happy to say that through careful observation and research, the medical community now embraces the clear benefits of exercise for people with Parkinson’s. Our job is to get out there and reinforce this message throughout the Parkinson’s community.” Nancy is also featured in the Every Victory Counts manual.