Josefa Domingos, PhD
Josefa Domingos is a Physiotherapist specializing in Parkinson’s with 20 years of working exclusively with people with Parkinson’s & other movement disorders. Josefa’s career has focused on creating and implementing specialized care for people living with Parkinson’s. As an educator, clinician, and researcher, she is currently finishing her Ph.D. on the Practicalities of Community-based exercise in PD at Radboud University Centre (The Netherlands) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Bas Bloem. She is also currently the National Health Coordinator of the Portuguese Parkinson Patient Association, a board member of Parkinson’s Europe, and co-founder of Young Parkies Portugal.
Josefa is specialized in the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment BIG therapist certification (Berlin, 2011), Parkinson Wellness Recovery training certification (USA, 2011), Mark Morris Dance Group’s Dance for PD ® Method (Madrid, 2014), ZUMBA GOLD (Portugal, 2013) and on the Ronnie Gardner Method ® International Course (UK, 2014), Boxmaster ® training (Cologne, 2015) and BOXERCISE ® certification (UK, 2016), among others. She has been developing and researching dual-task exercise programs for PD, adapting this concept to different exercise modalities (in-person & online)