Search Results "depression"

Ripe peaches hang from the tree against a cloudy blue sky
What’s New in Parkinson’s: August 2021

…have lower blood levels of uric acid often experience more severe non-motor symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and cognitive dysfunction. The study participants with Parkinson’s who had low uric acid…

Women and Parkinson’s Transcript

…counterparts, especially when it comes to mood and sleep disturbances, so anxiety and depression, we’re talking about, we’re talking about fatigue and apathy, your genital symptoms and more women complain…

Transcript A Day in My Life

…day as well. Some of my most significant challenges, loss of executive functioning, anxiety, depression, et cetera, can find myself in being my own worst critic. So how do I…

Four volunteers who live well with Parkinson's. They are a white man with black hair, a black man with black hair, a brown woman with curly, shoulder-length brown hair, and a white man with a brown beard and silver hair. They are all wearing jeans and grey shirts that say "volunteer".
Volunteer to Live Well with Parkinson’s

…sense of fulfillment. #2 – It supports your mental health. Isolation isn’t the only mental health issue facing people living with Parkinson’s: depression and anxiety are both common non-motor symptoms….

Parkinson’s Care Partner Training

…Topics: Depression, Anxiety, Apathy, Loneliness, and Isolation Hawaii 9-11 am Alaska 11-1 pm Pacific 12-2 pm Mountain 1-3 pm Central 2-4 pm Eastern 3-5 pm Topics: Guilt, Anger Symptom Management…