Search Results "falling"

LWPMU Falling

Living with Parkinson’s panelists Kat Hill, Gaynor, Amber Hesford, Kristi LaMonica, Doug Reid, Brian Reedy, Heather Kennedy, and Kevin Kwok, in clockwise order from top left, smile for the meetup….

Sleep-and-Parkinsons-Transcript (2)

falling asleep, then that’s when you need to worry about your naps. Okay. If you’re not having trouble falling asleep generally, then you can worry a little bit less. If…

EVC Sixth Edition

…that it is learned. If we hadn’t spent our first year or two of life falling over and getting up again, we would not have been able to balance as…

Every Victory Counts_R

…or two of life falling over and getting up again, we would not have been able to balance as we know it. Learning is constant in the balance system, but…