Search Results "kat hill"

July YOPD Council Transcript

…wants to speak to that, Kat. Kat Hill: Yeah I waited. I was concerned about the side effects of dyskinesias and, and I hadn’t read a lot of evidence that…

Transcript Parkinson’s is Hard

…I’m really from Portland, Oregon. I’m just traveling the US and an Airstream. Melani Dizon: Awesome. And how long have you been living with Parkinson’s Kat? Kat Hill: Oh, sorry….

Subtitles Parkinson’s is Hard

…throughout the time. So, I’m just going to call who’s on my wheel in order. Kat? Kat Hill (Ambassador, Davis Phinney Foundation): Hey everybody, I’m Kat Hill. I’m calling in…

Transcript Parkinson’s is Hard

…I’m really from Portland, Oregon. I’m just traveling the US and an Airstream. Melani Dizon: Awesome. And how long have you been living with Parkinson’s Kat? Kat Hill: Oh, sorry….

Transcript Parkinson’s is Hard

…I’m really from Portland, Oregon. I’m just traveling the US and an Airstream. Melani Dizon: Awesome. And how long have you been living with Parkinson’s Kat? Kat Hill: Oh, sorry….

Transcript May 2023 LWPMU

…going first. Kat Hill (Ambassador, Davis Phinney Foundation): Okay. I am Kat Hill. I am calling in from outside of London, England. Probably the most exciting thing that’s happened to…

Nutrition YOPD Council Transcript

…Dizon: Kat. Kat Hill (Davis Phinney Foundation Ambassador, YOPD Council Leader, and YOPD Women’s Council Leader): So, when I was first diagnosed, I was trying to avoid starting medicines right…