Search Results "Parkinson%27s exercise essentials"

Exercise Journal

WORKSHEETS AND RESOURCES ©2019 Davis Phinney Foundation for Parkinson’s, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any unauthorized use of this material is a violation of copyright and/or trademark laws.  EXERCISE JOURNAL…

Transcript LSVT Global Movement Break

…with Parkinson’s disease have changes in their voice and speech that can make communication more difficult and challenging. But what can be frustrating is the person with Parkinson’s disease doesn’t…

EVC-2019-WS-Cognitive (1)

…Increase Physical Activity ££ Consult with a physical therapist to develop the best, safest exercise program for you. ££ Exercise three to five times a week. Personal trainers can motivate…

Exercise on trail outdoor with sunlight
Bradykinesia and Parkinson’s: A Primer

…mainstream recommendation for managing multiple symptoms of Parkinson’s, including slowness of moment. Several recent, large human clinical trials support the use of high-intensity aerobic exercise in improving Parkinson’s motor symptoms…

Sleep YOPD Council Transcript

…to be talking about Sleep, Light, Nature, and Parkinson’s. A super important topic. I don’t know anybody who lives with Parkinson’s where sleep is not some sort of, they have…

July YOPD Council Transcript

…at three or four years into my diagnosis is very different. Kevin was one of the first people that I met actually with Parkinson’s and I went on a Parkinson


Originally Created: 07/27/09 — Modified: 07/21/16 1:32 PM File: DPF-sect5-2016.indd 5.7Section 5: Worksheets ©2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 Davis Phinney Foundation for Parkinson’s, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any unauthorized use of…