Search Results "DBS"


…to outweigh the benefits the medications provide. Current surgical therapies include deep brain stimulation (DBS) and enteral suspension of carbidopa/levodopa. Focused ultrasound therapy (FUS) is a non-invasive image-guided therapy that’s…


…The Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center is dedicated to providing expert clinical care, rehabilitation therapies, research and community outreach. We are a world leader in Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) surgery. Our…

Transcript Final Dr. Haug

…you’re getting to the point where the medications, they actually did work really well to handle the motor symptoms. You know, DBS, deep brain stimulation is a possibility, right? Where…


…guided those considering Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), and became a Davis Phinney Foundation Ambassador. All her post-diagnosis adventures inspired her to write a memoir, The Ribbon of Road Ahead: One…

Parkinson's August News - Davis Phinney Foundation
What’s New in Parkinson’s: August 2020

…impact of health leaders in the Parkinson’s community. Parkinson’s Therapies and Medications Researchers have found that people with early-stage Parkinson’s who received both medication and Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) performed…


…Other specialists can be helpful, such as a massage therapist, physical therapist, or acupuncturist. Treatments for motor symptoms in Parkinson’s (like dopamine medications and deep brain stimulation surgery) can also…

Rosenfeldt_2022_JNPT_12 mo ex adherence

Research Articles Individuals With Parkinson Disease Are Adherent to a High- Intensity Community-Based Cycling Exercise Program Anson B. Rosenfeldt, PT, DPT, Mandy Miller Koop, PhD, Amanda L. Penko, PhD, and…

Rosenfeldt_2022_JNPT_12 mo ex adherence[1]

Research Articles Individuals With Parkinson Disease Are Adherent to a High- Intensity Community-Based Cycling Exercise Program Anson B. Rosenfeldt, PT, DPT, Mandy Miller Koop, PhD, Amanda L. Penko, PhD, and…

Transcript LWPMU Nov 2023

…had DBS, I wanted my movement disorder specialist to be familiar with programming DBS and, specifically, the Boston Scientific model that I have. And he’s been great. Chris Krueger: Good….