Search Results "anxiety"


…Parkinson’s at a local wellness center. CAROL CLUPNY Earthquakes tremored the inside of her legs. Anxiety pushed her to pace at her office at work. The corner of her right…

VS-ProgramBook-HTLW-03.24 update

…CAROL CLUPNY Earthquakes tremored the inside of her legs. Anxiety pushed her to pace at her office at work. The corner of her right eye tremored followed by the right…

Transcript May YOPD Women

…new medications I mean I have anxiety and depression as non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s and my neurologist along with my psychiatrist recommended that I switched to a new anti- depressant…

Boxing Transcript

…to assess it, to understand if it’s medication related, if it’s just anxiety related and then maybe use some strategies to bypass that. So this is all components that are…

Transcript Music and Rhythm

…and offering Spotify playlists to improve pain control, hopefully medication use for pain and reduce anxiety in patients, not only in neurology and psychiatry, but other units as well. We…

DBS Latest Advancements Transcript

…with deep brain stimulation. And so, although none of like, you know, cognitive impairment or anxiety or depression, aren’t necessarily reasons not to do deep brain stimulation, there are definitely…

Getting Your Ducks In A Row Transcript

anxiety you know, and can include reducing depression, anxiety, you know, fear of death, as well as physical pain. Palliative care is often paid by insurance or by individual paying….