Resources > Blog > May 28, 2021

HEALTHY PARKINSON’S COMMUNITIES™ RESOURCE ROUNDUP: How to identify and create solutions for health disparities and inequities

Senior male clinic visitor talking with latina female doctor at appointment

In past months, we have shared resources on healthy communities and cross-sector collaborationbuilding strong teams and powerful partnershipslistening to your community and identifying areas of growth, and setting goals based on community need. If you have missed any of those posts, they are linked above. 

This month, we are sharing resources on how to identify and create solutions for health disparities and inequities. You will notice these resources are not specific to the Parkinson’s community, but the information included is still incredibly relevant to building a healthier Parkinson’s community. Next month, during LGBT Pride Month, we will be sharing inspiration and ideas on the power of social change, including resources specific to the LGBTQIA+ community. (LGBTQIA+ = Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex, and Asexual and/or Ally.) 

Addressing Social Determinants of Health in Your Community by Community Tool Box
This section from Community Tool Box explains what social determinants of health are and how to address them in your community initiative. It includes a large collection of articles and videos about addressing social determinants of health, as well as a comprehensive guide to taking action. You may notice the steps outlined look similar to those in other toolkits, allowing you to find ways to integrate the aspects that resonate with your work in progress 

Modifying Barriers, Access, and Opportunities by Community Tool Box
This chapter includes information on access, barriers, and opportunities to improve community conditions. It includes four sections: tactics for modifying access, barriers, and opportunities; extending opportunities for the poor; increasing access for people with physical disabilities; and using outreach to increase access. 

Building a Movement, Transforming Institutions: A Guide for Public Health Professionals by Policy Link
This is a web-based-guide, which was developed to support both veteran and aspiring health equity leaders seeking to transform public health institutions — from local and state health departments to research centers — and embed health equity into their day-to-day practices to solve systemic challenges in their neighborhoods and regions. It includes comprehensive information organized into the following categories:

  • Identifying lessons and overcoming barriers
  • Defining health equity
  • Building leadership for health equity
  • Organizational capacitybuilding for health equity
  • Leveraging institutional capital for health equity sustainability
  • Coalition-building
  • Research and evaluation
  • Framing and communications
  • Policy advocacy

While this information is intended for public health institutions, the resources and information shared are applicable to building more equitable systems in general.  Couples waiting at OB office Health Equity Resources by Policy Link
This resource list, found in the tool listed above (Building a Movement, Transforming Institutions: A Guide for Public Health Professionals”), includes such great information that we decided to list it separately. The list includes more than 60 resources and descriptions on health equity divided into sections listed above.

Reaching Rural Populations from Aspen Ideas
In this session recording from the Aspen Ideas Festival, Donald Warne, Michelle Dubon Estrada, Sanjeev Arora, and Dan Porterfield discuss the complicated challenges in access to care in rural areas. They also explain some solutions that advocates are bringing to provide more care to historically underserved communities.   

Continuum on Becoming an Anti-Racist and Multicultural Organization by Crossroads Ministry, Chicago, IL
This is a comprehensive chart on becoming an anti-racist multicultural organization. It is widely used as a guide to ensure that groups and organizations are reflecting intentions to be anti-racist and multicultural. 

Resource List from Racial Equity Tools
This page provides general lists and bibliographies from different organizations, including curated references for educators, faith-based groups, and specific issues (e.g., Ferguson uprising, somatics), as well as syllabicurricula, and multimedia contentIn addition, there are resources for anyone who wants to delve into racial equity concepts, including free materials and some content available at cost. 


If you are interested in adding your community to the Healthy Parkinson’s Communities network, download our introductory toolkit here. This short guide will get you started on your journey, offer recommendations for creating your CAC and ways to conduct initial research and assessments of your community, and prepare you to officially register your community in the Healthy Parkinson’s Communities network.